Food & Drink

Best Scary Movies to Watch on Halloween

By Seattle Mag October 28, 2011



In case the weekend shut-ins among us need a little help rounding off the perfect horror movie marathon. (Watch at your own discretion – we can’t be responsible for any “accidents.”)

Listed in no particular order:

The Fly
You will never look at Jeff Goldblum the same way again.

Night of the Living Dead (1968)
The zombie movie that schooled the rest.

The Shining

Black Swan
Natalie Portman scares me.

Rosemary’s Baby
Most tense elevator scene ever.

“The Citizen Kane of ventriloquism movies.” –Topless Robot on IMDB

High school is a terrible place.

The Night of the Hunter
Robert Mitchum will actually make your skin crawl.

Salem’s Lot
Super scary.

Pan’s Labyrinth and The Orphanage
Guillermo del Toro manages to charm and horrify simultaneously.

Let the Right One In
Sweet, arty, creepy.

The Ring or Ringu
Don’t expect to sleep anywhere near a television set for a few nights.

Abbot and Costello Meet the Mummy
Cult humor.

American Horror Story (on FX)
Scary as hell. Strangely, made by the same guy who created Glee.

Walking Dead (AMC)
Good old-fashioned zombie apocalypse meets new Southern gothic. (Season 1 is on Netflix.)

Texas Chainsaw Massacre
“So many jump-out- of-your-seat surprises!” — A.A.S., Citysearch, Oct 16, 2003

Halloween II
Michael Meyers, you’ve got issues.

Friday the 13th part II
Find out why Jason is killing people.

What a twist! (You can skip the sequels.)

West World
The animatronic cowboys are coming to life!

The Brood
Scary mutant children, plus Oliver Reed.

Ballerinas meet witches. No Natalie Portman.

Twilight Zone (the original series, not the movie)
One ultimate existential crisis after another. Avoid watching alone.


Compiled with help from: Rachel Tell-tale Hart, Frankristein Russell, Leatherface Scheff, Creature from-the-Deep Bay, Brangien Bates-Davis, Bond RedRumerman and Kate Draculamusa


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